You can fill in the form for any information request.One of our team members will contact you back as soon as possible.
Pernik Street 97, fl. 4, apartment 14 1309 Sofia, Bulgaria
Avenue Louise 367
A freelancer working 75% of his time remotely came to set up his residence in Bulgaria. Taking into account the European social security rules, he is fully subject to Bulgarian social security (about 430 € / month maximum) and pays an effective tax rate of 7.5%.
Our two offices (in Brussels and Sofia) and our network of privileged partners in Luxembourg and Moscow enable us to provide advice on international tax law.
We are working in Belgium since 2005 and in Sofia since 2015, with a strong experience in Russia and Luxembourg as well.
You can send us an email to or simply call one of our offices. If we aren’t available, one of our team members will contact you back as soon as possible.
Please get in touch and we will help you to get all your questions answered.